A Book Just on Time: The Euro and the Battle of Ideas by Brunnermeier, James and Landau

The Euro and the Battle of Ideas | von Markus C. Kerber

Much praise from Bernanke as well as from Schäuble was accompanying the above-mentioned book which has a wide-ranging object and a far-reaching aim. Brunnermeier et al. intend to explain the conceptual differences between the French and German policies and their academic tools. Moreover, the book tries to put into perspective the national monetary developments after the great financial crisis in 2007/ 2008, analyses the institutions and countries involved, and finally makes several strategic recommendations which should lead from an “economic ideas union” to a more stable development of the Eurozone. (Read more)

Details zum Buch

Titel: The Euro and the Battle of Ideas
Autor: Markus K. Brunnermeier, Harold James & Jean-Pierre Landau
Gebundene Ausgabe: 448 Seiten
Verlag: Princeton University Press
Sprache: English
ISBN-13: 9780691172927

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